It was a beautiful and sunny day outside but Jon Heath was inside the Macdonald Residence painting the ceiling of their large dining room. He was all set up in his hat and white overalls with a blue t-shirt underneath. He stood on a tall ladder that sat upon a large white sheet in case any of the paint dripped down onto the floor. Next to the ladder sat his radio that he always took to work with him to keep him company and his lunchbox. He often found himself whistling to the songs as he painted. The Macdonald family had gone out for a picnic in the park to enjoy the beautiful weather so Jon was the only one at the large house besides a bored little dog called Rusty.
“Oh, hey little doggie,” he said. When Rusty was satisfied he had been noticed he began to sniff around the room and Jon went back to his painting and his whistling.Rusty couldn’t find the source of the horrible smell that burnt his nose so he gave up and curled up next to the end of the white sheet. The ladder which sat at the other end of the sheet had proved Jon steady over the years but was about to take a huge turn around. Rusty had always been a playful dog and more or less a mischievous one. He grabbed onto the end of the sheet and prepared to pull.
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